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Open Mic: Music For All



Sign Up To Perform: Info@WholeToneAcademy.Com

Image description: The Background for all the images has blotchy muted tones of peach, blue, and grey, with thin black lines. A logo at the top right says : WholeTone Music Academy, *Grow in Self & Sound* Then a b/w stylized microphone w/ small music notes, and text reading “Open Mic: Music For All. Help us Raise $$ for The WholeTone Music Access Fund.” (Other text included elsewhere)
WHEN: Saturday 7/23, 7-8:30pm 
WHERE: Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave
SIGN UP TO PERFORM: Info@WholeToneAcademy.Com

This is an OUTDOOR accessible venue, including an accessible (and well maintained) porto-potty on the premises.  Rain date Sun 24th. BYO Chair if possible, seating up to 30 people provided. 
This event is the official launch of the WholeTone Music Access Fund! This fund is an expansion of our LGBTQ+/BIPoC Scholarship, providing accessibility needs, group class subsidies and more.

Our featured performer will be Maya (ey/they/she), the 7th poet laureate of Portland, ME, and a former scholarship student of WTMA Instructor Rafael Natan (aka FlightorVisibility). Maya is a Black multiracial nonbinary suicide survivor. Eir work has been featured in venues such as the Portland Press Herald, Indianapolis Review, The Cortland Review, Freezeray, & More. You can find more of Maya’s work at
Image description: Same background as before. Then the event deets, followed by text “Introducing our featured performer: Maya Williams (ey/they/she).” In the flier there is a headshot of Maya, a brown-skinned nonbinary person, looking at the camera and smiling slightly. Ey have long curly hair that is shaved on one side, a red/orange shirt, and a red/orange pendant. (other text posted elsewhere)
Image Description: background the same as above. There are black slanted music notes and a treble clef with purple accents in the upper corners. The text reads “WholeTone Music Access Fund. We now have 6 students on LGBTQ+/BIPoC Scholarship. Soon the WTMAF will offer more scholarships, group classes, accessible studio space, and more! Help us expand access to affordable music at our open mic, 7/23. RSVP to Perform: Info@WholeToneAcademy.Com. Suggested Donation: $5-$50. $200 will cover 1 month for 1 scholarship student. Donate: Venmo @WholeToneAcademy or Cashapp: $WholeToneAcademy

Help us expand our popular LGBTQ+/BIPOC Scholarship Fund! The WholeTone Music Access Fund will also cover group classes like a Klezmer Band and the WholeTone Healing Arts Ensemble, accessibility needs, and more!

This is our first ever event with a fiscal sponsor for donations!! If you’d like to make a tax deductible donation, please email us:

Otherwise you can still donate as usual to our Venmo: @WholeToneAcademy or Cashapp: $WholeToneAcademy.

Thanks for your dedication to providing the joys of musical expression to our whole community.


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