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Lina Malshy

Violin, Arabic Violin, WTMA Intern

Fluent in English, Arabic, & Hebrew


“Ms. Lina was the best teacher, I learned so much and I improved my playing skills. She made me love practicing.
– Natalina S., 13 y.o.

” المعلمة لينا من أحسن واشطر المعلمات اللي كنت عندهم” “الدرس كان يمرق كتير سريع وبالفترة القصيرة تعلمت معها كتير اشياء وصرت اعزف بطريقة احسن وحببتني اكتر بالقوانين وقواعد العزف

Lina Malshy لينا ملشي is a Palestinian Arabic violin player and film composer, born in the city of Haifa-Palestine. She attended the Orthodox Arab College in Haifa, and recently graduated from Berklee College of Music.

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