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WholeTone at First Fridays Youth Open Mic!

First Fridays Youth Open Mic invited WholeTone teacher Anaís Azul to perform as the featured artist for their March 1st event. And it was a smash!

Anaís brought along friends Sajada Domino, Rafael Natan, and fellow WholeTone teacher Nora Maynard to perform Anaís’ original music.

The Open Mic was a freeing, caring, and deep expression of humanity with so much talent and bravery on display from the folks of all ages who showed up. Folks performed songs and poems. The energy was so supportive of first timers to the Open Mic and of everyone who shared a little piece of their story with all of us in the room. It was truly remarkable.

L to R: Sajada Domino – Percussionist; Anaís Azul – Vocalist, Pianist, Ukelelist; Rafael Natan – Oboist, Vocalist; Nora Maynard – Violinist, Vocalist

Anaís started her portion of the night by improvising a song on her ukulele that reflected the stories and sentiments from the Open Mic. It was so incredible to watch and hear how she wove pieces of the evening together. Then she brought up the band to perform some of her songs, including Analysis Paralysis, Listen, and Healing. Anaís’ music brought the Open Mic to another level, showcasing her unique blend of style, skill, and heart. Lyrics and sounds from her songs are still echoing in this author’s mind.

Many thanks to the team at First Fridays Youth Open Mic for hosting the space and bringing everyone together. Rev. Darrell R. Hamilton II, Allan Griffin McClendon, and Kaleigh O’Keefe: WholeTone sees you, hears you, and holds you in our hearts. Thank you for bringing us into your framily.

L to R: Allan Griffin McClendon, Rev. Darrell R. Hamilton II, Rafael Natan, Sajada Domino, Nora Maynard, Kaleigh O’Keefe, and Anaís Azul

Check out Anaís’ website to hear her music or catch her the next time she plays live. You’ll be blown away!


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